![](http://vrscet.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Parthiban-233x300.jpg) | |
Name | Mr. S. PARTHIBAN. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Qualification | M. Tech., (Ph. D.). |
Specialization | M. Tech.: Embedded System Technologies Ph. D. Research Topic: IOT based embedded platform for healthcare systems |
Expertise Field | Embedded Systems, Internet of Things. |
Academic Experience | 16 years 8 months (as on 23.04.2024) |
Membership | Life time Membership in Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). Life time membership in International Association for Electronics Engineers (IAENG). |
Seminar | Participated in the International Webinar on “Applications of MATLAB” Organized by Department of Mathematics & Statistics, At. Francis College, Bangaluru on 13.07.2023. Participated in the Webinar on "IoT for Precision Systems: Towards Artificial Intelligence " organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 23.06.2023. Participating in the Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas Webinar on the topic "Know about IoT Security" organized by INGU’S Knowledge Academy Pvt Ltd in July 2023. Participated in the Webinar on "Outcome Based Education- Blended Learning" organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM Madurai Institute of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 12.04.2023. Attended two days seminar on ‘Recent trends in Biomedical Imaging Analysis for Early detection of Skin cancer and its treatments’ organized by V.R.S. College of Engineering and technology, Villupuram on 01.03.2023 & 02.03.2023. Gathered inputs on Internet of Things and related hands-on training through attending the course provided by Naan Muthalvan scheme as a course incharge, from 13.02.2023 to 17.02.2023. Attended 30 days Deep learning masterclass through Online mode conducted by Pantech Learning Pvt. Ltd., Chennai from 11th November 2022 to 11thDecmber 2022. Attended online seminar on ‘Step-by-Step guidelines to intellectual property rights’ organized by Rathinam college of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Coimbatore on 08th October 2022. Attended CSIR Sponsored Two Days National Level Seminar on “Key Challenges and Opportunities for Recycling Electric Vehicle Batteries” through online organized by IFET College of Engineering from 16th March 2022 to 17th March 2022. Attended one day webinar titled ‘Energy Management in Electrical Distribution Systems’ at SRM TRPEC IEEE Student Branch at SRM TRP Engineering college, Trichy on 27th March 2021. Attended one day webinar titled ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Public Life’ at Ananthkumar National Institute of Leadership Development and Public Policy Research, Bangalore on 23rd January 2021. Attended one day webinar titled ‘MATLAB Applications for Numeric Methods and Control Systems’ at K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 22nd December 2020. Attended one day webinar titled ‘Recent Trends in Embedded System Design’ at V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram on 24th December 2020. Attended one day webinar titled ‘Applications of Machine Learning & Deep Learning’ at University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 10th July 2020. Attended one day webinar titled ‘R Language’ at V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram on 20th July 2020. Attended seminar titled ‘5G Communication: Need and Challenges’ at SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur on 13th July 2019. Participated in one day seminar on ‘Advanced topics in Antenna Design and Measurements’ sponsored by IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S), Madras Chapter in association with K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy – 621112 on 27th April 2018. |
National Conference | Presented paper titled ‘Advanced Braille Phone using Raspberry - Pi’ in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Wireless Communication and Signal Processing at Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai on 15th February 2019. Presented a titled “Automatic car parking using RFID” in National conference on Wireless Communication and Signal Processing at Arunai Engineering college, Tiruvannamalai on 24th February 2017. Presented paper titled ‘New Space Shift Keying Modulation with Hamming Code-Aided Constellation Design’ in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI, Image Processing at Gojan School of Business and Technology, Chennai on 21st March 2012. |
International Conference | Presented paper titled ‘Embedded Control System for High Power RF Amplifier’ in International Conference on Veracity Research in Scientific Computation and Engineering Trends ICVRSCET 2019 at V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology, Arasur on 23rd March 2019. Presented paper titled ‘TINYOS – Basic Application implementations and media data transfer analysis for sensor networks’ in International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering Science and Technology ICMREST – 2018 at V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology, Arasur. Presented paper titled ‘A safety enhanced guiding system for the vision impaired individual with VLC’ in International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering Science and Technology ICMREST – 2018 at V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology, Arasur. Presented a paper titled “Smart ATM center with bring along mechanism for card and cash retrieval after transaction” in International conference on Advances in Robotics, Energy and Network systems 2017 (ICARENS 2017) at Government College of Engineering, Salem from 9th to 10th March 2017. Presented paper on “Thermoelectric Power Harvesting in WSN for Green House Monitoring and Control” in International conference on innovation in information, embedded and communication systems at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 19th & 20th March 2015. Paper titled ‘A Bimodal Biometric Technique Based Enhanced Real-time ATM Security’ in the International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Oxford College of Engineering, Tiruvanamalai on 01st March 2014. |
Workshops | Attended One day Workshop titled ‘E-Resources, Research Publications & Plagiarism’ at Krishnasamy College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore on 21st September 2019. Attended IEEE sponsored one day National level workshop on “Electromagnetic and RF Communication” conducted by LOYOLA – ICAM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai on 25th September 2017. Attended TNSCST sponsored one day National level workshop on “Modern Trends in Fiber optic communication” at V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology, Arasur on 23rd May 2017. Five days Workshop on ‘Mission 10x – High Impact Teaching Skills’, Trained by Wipro, Bengaluru and Certificate attested by Dale Carnegie Training® at Dr. Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engineering, Tholudur, Cuddalore district from 14th to 18th days of November 2011. National Level workshop on ‘Recent and Innovative Techniques in Conservation of Energy’, at VRSCET, Arasur on 20th August 2010. National Level workshop on ‘Recent Trends in Solid Waste Management Systems’, at VRSCET, Arasur on 30th July 2010. |
Faculty Development Training Programme | Attended two-days Online National level Faculty Development Programme on “To get patent rights in India using the emerging area of academics and research in the current situation and technologies” organized by the Department of Information Technology, the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, and the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at S.K.P Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai, from from 27th March 2024 to 28th March 2024. Attended Eight-days Online “International Faculty Development Programme on Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design in Higher Education” organized by The Academic Senate and International Research Council of Eudoxia Research University from 05th January 2024 to 12th January 2024. Participated in the L&T EduTech – Naan Mudhalvan Training of Trainers program for Analog IC Design organized by Tamil Nadu Government from 29th January 2024 to 03rd February 2024 at L&T Head Quarters, Chennai. Mentoring in Professional Readiness for Innovation, Employability and Entrepreneurship program on Emerging technology (Internet of Things), June 28, 2023. (https://courses.ibmcep.cognitiveclass.ai/certificates/cafa47e197414fec9b5cd9a114bcdf25 ). Attended the ‘Train the Trainer Program Powering loT using Arduino / Raspberry Pi’ in physical mode organized by Tamil Nadu Government under Naan Muthalvan scheme conducted by SkillsDA Centre for Advance Training from 26thSeptember 2022 to 30th September2022 at Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore. Attended IETE sponsored Five-Days Online Faculty Development Programme on "Recent Trends in Network Security" organized by Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering from 08th March 2022 to 12th March 2022. Attended one day online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Recent trends in e-Vehicle’ organized byKrishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology on 05th March 2022. Attended eight days AICTE-ISTE approved Orientation/Refresher Programme titled ‘Online Teaching and Learning Pedagogy’ at Knowledge Institute of Technology, Kakapalayam, Salem, Tamilnadu from 05th April 2021 to 12nd April 2021. Attended three days FDP titled ‘Effective strategies to improve Mentor – Mentee Bonding’ at Easwari Engineering College, Chennai from 20th January 2021 to 22nd January 2021. Attended five days ISTE approved Short Term Training Program(STTP) on “Advances in Spectral Domain Analysis (ASDA 2016)”, conducted by Annamalai University, Chidambaram from 4th January to 8th January 2016. Faculty Development Program on ‘Signals and Systems’ at Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Tambaram from 24th to 26th June 2013. One day Faculty Symposium on ‘MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems’, at SRM University, kattankulathur on 27th January, 2011 Two days training on ‘Advanced Signal Processing’ at Saranathan college of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 17th and 18th June 2010. |
Short Term Training Programme | Attended AICTE sponsored one week Short Term Training Programme titled ‘Application of Artificial Intelligence Technique in Overcoming the Challenges of Healthcare Industry’ at Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem from 07th December 2020 to 12th December 2020. |
Journal Publications | Published paper titled ‘Smart ATM center with bring along mechanism for card ad cash retrieval after trasaction’ in International Journal of Engineering and Techniques, 2017. http://www.ijetjournal.org/Volume3/Issue2/IJETV3I2P5.pdf Published paper titled ‘Emotion detection from text based document and classification of Cross-domain sentiment’ in International Journal of Engineering and Techniques, 2017. https://oaji.net/articles/2017/1992-1514710441.pdf Published paper titled ‘Performance analysis of AODV, DSDV, & IDSDV routing protocols in MANET’ in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2016. https://ijarcce.com/upload/2016/december-16/IJARCCE%20107.pdf |
Projects so far guided | Project Guided for U.G students : 20 Batches Project Guided for P.G students : 01 Batch |
Fund Programme Organized (Seminar, FDP, Conference, Etc.,) | -Nil- |
Book Published | -Nil- |
Email | parthiarjun@gmail.com |