Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Students project scheme 2018-19 announced by DOTE Campus. With reference to the Student Project Scheme 2019-20, Ms.P.Sivaganga, Ms.P.Karthiga and Ms.E.Kiruthika final year of ECE department guided by Mr.G.Sadiq Basha Associate Prof./ECE under the title of “Design and Implementation of an Interactive Road Safety System for Young Bikers” project is approved and grant Rs. 7500/- by the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST).
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Students project scheme 2017-18 announced by DOTE Campus. With reference to the Student Project Scheme 2018-19, Ms.A Yogenthira Priyadharshika and Ms.S. Sankari final year of ECE department guided by Mrs.P.Sujatha Asst. Prof./ECE the title of “Automatic Detection and Control of Air Contamination in an Enclosed Indoor Environment” project is approved and grant Rs. 7500/- by the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST).
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Students project scheme 2016-17 announced by DOTE Campus. With reference to the Student Project Scheme 2017-18, Mr.T. Sureshkumar and Mr.S. Sathish final year of CSE department guided by Mr.K.Ramesh Asst. Prof./CSE and Mr. N. Gobinathan Asst. Prof./CSE under the title of “3PS Game Template for Mobile platform” project is approved and grant Rs. 10000/- by the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST).
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Students project scheme 2016-17 announced by DOTE Campus. With reference to the Student Project Scheme 2017-18, Mr. R. Gowrishankar final year of EEE department guided by Mr.M.B.Annadurai Asst.Prof/EEE under the title of “Accident detection and tracking of escaping vehicle using GPS and GSM Module”, Mr.N.Sabarinathan, Mr.S.Vinoth and Mr.R. Sasikumar final year of Mechanical department guided by Mr. P. Sarangapani Asst.Prof./MECH under the title of “Design and fabrication of automatic public toilet cleaning system” and Mr.K. Selvaganapathy, Mr.M. Thirumalselvam and Mr.V.Thirumavalavan final year of ECE department guided by Mrs. R. Bharadhi Asst.Prof./ECE under the title of “An Electronic tree for reduction of air pollution” projects are approved and grant Rs. 10000/- for each project by the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST).

TNSCST sponsored one day National level Seminar titled on “Biomod-A platform for Disentangling Biodiversity Effects on Ecosystem functioning and Deriving solutions to a seemingly Insurmountable Problem” was conducted jointly with Research and Development Committee organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 24th May 2017

Department of CSE & IT organized two days National Level Workshop on “Advances in Java Techniques” sponsored by TNSCST on 19th and 20th April 2012.Ms.G.Jayashree ,Administrative Head ,Mr.R. Mohanraj, Associate-Projects and Ms.A. Gandhimathi, Software Programmer Campus Info Tech Pvt Ltd ,Coimbatore, were the resource persons.