![](http://vrscet.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Gobinathan1-284x300.jpg) | |
Name | Mr.N.Gobinathan |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Computer Science and Engineering |
Qualification | * Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology. * Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering. * P.G. Diploma in Educational Administration and Supervising. |
Specialization | Computer Science and Engineering |
Academic Experience | 12 year 1 Months |
Membership | * Life time Membership in Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) * Life time membership in International Association for Electronics Engineers (IAENG) |
National Conference | 1. Presented a paper on “Integration disease diagnosis using machine learning and evidence medicine drug identification” in a NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REASERCH AND DEVEOLPMENT SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY(NCRDSET’16) at St,Anne’s college of engineering and technology ,Panruti. 2. Presented a paper on “Efficient and Secure Mail Server From Malicious Attacks”in a NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING TECHNIQUES 13 at University College Of Engineering Villupuram on 31st March 2014. 3. Presented a paper on “Strategies For Efficient Geocasting In Mobile Ad hoc Networks ”in a NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING TECHNIQUES 13 at University College Of Engineering , Villupuram on 05th April 2013. 4. Presented a paper on “Maximizing energy efficiency in wireless sensor network through clustering methods” in a NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Advanced computing & changing Paradigm in computer Applications(NCACCA’13)at Karpagam college of Engineering ,Coimbatore on 19th @ 20th April 2013. 5. Presented a paper on “Combining Skin Color Based Classifiers And HAAR Feature Using VJ Algorithm” in a NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY At Agni College Of Technology, Thalambur on 15th March 2013. 6. Presented a paper on “Strategies For Efficient Geocasting In Mobile Ad hoc Networks” in a NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING TECHNIQUES 13 at University College Of Engineering , Villupuram on 05th April 2013. 7. Presented a paper on “Analysis Of True Positives And True Negatives From Real Traffic Using Intrusion Detection/Prevention System” in a NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY at Agni College Of Technology,Thalambur on 15th March 2013. 8. Presented a paper on “Long-Term Cross-Session Relevance Feedback Using Virtual Features (CBIR)” in a UGC SPONSORED NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA SIGNAL PROCESSING at Annamalai University, Chidambaram. 9. Presented a paper on “Improving Network Life Time Using High Energy First Clustering” in a NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (NCIT-2012) at Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry. 10. Presented a paper on “Analysis for Improving Network Life Time Using High Energy First Clustering” in a FIRST NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORKS, INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE, COMPUTING AND ONTOLOGY (NIKCON’12) at A.V.C College Of Engineering, Mannampandal. |
International Conference | Presented the paper on “An Intrusion Detection System Against DOS Attack using Machine Learning in Wireless Sensor Network”in the 4th International Conference ICVRSCET 2023 organized by our college on 03rd May 2023. Presented a paper on “Brain Controlled car for disabled using Artificial Intelligence in International Conference on Innovative trends in Computing and technology (ICITCT’13) at the Rajaas Engineering college, Vadakkankulam on 07th& 08th March 2013. |
Seminars | 1. Participated in the one day National Level Seminar on ’’Modern Trends in Fiber Optics Communication’’ Organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology on 23rd May 2017. 2. Participated in the One Day National Level Seminar on “Recent developments in machine learning process for screening and diagnosis of autism using rapid miner” at V.R.S. college of engineering and technology, Arasur on 5th to 6th May 2016. 3. Participated in the One Day National Level Seminar on “Strategic Teaching Quality Management For Technical Teachers (SJQM-13)”at Bharathidasan Institute Of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 16th March 13. |
Workshops | Attended an webinar on “Innovation and Patent : a pathway to Intellectual Properties” organized by Santhiram Engineering College on 29th May 2021, webinar on “How to avoid Plagarism” organized by VIT, Chennai on 16th July 2021, online Faculy Development Program on “Big Data Analytics” organized by E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College from 15.12.2021 to 21.12.2021, Bootcamp on “Data Visualization as part of the Tableau Dataviz Challenge 2021” conducted by SmartBridge Educational Service Pvt Ltd. in collaboration with Tableau Software, Hyderabad on 07th July 2021, webinar on “World Economy in Current Pandamic Learning, Understanding and Strategies” organized by Government College of Arts and Science and Commerce, Goa on 29th May 2021, Two Days workshop on “Devapp for Beginners” organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 18th and 19th October 2021, online Computer Programming Lesson “The Guinness World Record Event – Most users to take an online Computer Programming Lesson in 24 hours” organized by National Educational Alliance for Technology, New Delhi on 25th April 2021, webinar on “Google dialog flow and Django” organized by VIT, Chennai on 17th April 2021, workshop on “Machine Learning with Seikit Learn Keras and Tensor Flow” organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, from 17th to 19th May 2021. Attended the Webinar on, “Machine Learning with Cloud Deployment”, organized by Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru on 11th December 2020. Attended the on Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Outcome based Education (Modern Tool usage in Teaching & Learning” organized by Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College from 30th November to 05th December 2020 under AICTE – Margdarshan Scheme. Attended the webinar on “The Future of Making” organized by ICT Academy on 14th April 2020, “Introduction of AI & ML”, organized by ICT Academy on 15th April 2020, “Cyber security Essentials” organized by ICT Academy on 16th April 2020, “Design Thinking-Preparing the mind for disruption” organized by ICT Academy on 17th April 2020, “Digital Transformation in Enterprise”, organized by ICT Academy on 18th April 2020, “Season-2 of Sky campus- Webinar on the theme leading in a VUCA world Day 1- Opening Key” organized by ICT Academy on 20th April 2020, “Season-2 of Sky campus- Webinar on the theme leading in a VUCA world Day -3” organized by ICT Academy on 22nd April 2020, “Season-2 of Sky campus- Webinar on the theme leading in a VUCA world Day -4” organized by ICT Academy 23rd April 2020, “Corona Disease prediction using Traditional Machine Learning ”organized by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 27th April 2020, “Levers of Digital Industry ” organized by Chennai institute of Technology, Chennai on 1st May 2020, “Introduction to Angular!!!” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering , in Gnanamani College of Technology, on 5th June 2020, “Digitial Marketing Era!!!” and “Data Analytics Using R” organized by the Department of Master of Computer Applications, organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, on 6th and 8th July 2020 and attended online Faculty Development Program on “ Deep Learning Unfolded-2020 “,organized by Centre For Research and Development , KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, from 13th to 17th July 2020. Attended the webinar on “Employability skills for the future Industry 4.0” organized by V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology,Arasur on 30th May 2020. Attended “E-Resource ,Research publication and plagiarism ” organized by Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology, Cuddalore on 21th September 2019. Attended “R-Language organized by IFET college of Engineering ,Villupuram on 09th November 2019. Attended “Deep learning and accelerated Computing” organized by SRM Institute of Technology Kattankulathur from 26th to 27th September 2019. Attended in the National Workshop on “Mobile Application development” Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at, Sri sairam engineering college, Chennai. on 8th -9th May 2016. ttended in the National Workshop on “Big data tools:Hive and Pig” Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering A.V.C College of Engineering, Mayiladudhurai. 9th October 2015. Attended in the National Workshop on “Data Mining Tools (weka, Rapidminer@R) Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Dr.N.G.P. Institute of technology, Coimbatore on 29th& 30th Dec 2014. Participated in A National level workshop title as the “Data Mining Tools (WEKA, RAPIDMINER & R)” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore and sponsored by Indian Society For Technical Education, TN & P Section during December 29th& 30th 2014. Attended in the National Workshop on ’’ Pattern Classification Techniques’’ Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University on 28th September 2013. Attended in National Level Seminar on “Strategic Teaching Quality Management For Technical Teachers (SJQM-13)”at harathidasan Institute Of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 16th March 13. Participated in the one day National Workshop on ’’ Support Vector Machines: Foundations, Research Directions and Tools’’ Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, on 15th December 2012. Attended in the National level workshop on “Free and Open source Software (FOSS)” Organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, E.S.College of Engineering and technology, Villupuram on 31st Aug & 1st Sep 2012. Attended in the National Research Methodology Workshop on ’’ Speech and Image Processing’’ Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University on 17th March 2012. Attended one day National workshops on National Research Methodology Workshop On Speech And Image Processing [NRMWSIP 12] at Annamalai University, Chidambaram on 28th Sep 2012. Attended one day National Level workshop on “support vector Machines: Foundations, Research directions, tools”[NWSVM 12] at sri venkateshwara college of engineering ,pennulaur. Participated in A National level workshop title as the”Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS)jointly organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering& Infinities, at E.S.College of Engineering and Technology,Villupuram during 31 Aug & 1 Sep 2012. |
Patent | Published the Patent “Automated vegetation mapping approach of crops through satellite image fusion and convolution neural networks-based classification -202041014696 on 15th May 2020. |
Faculty Development Training Programme | Attended the five days Online FDP on “Machine Learning using Python” organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology from 13th to 17th March 2023. Participated and completed Mentoring in Professional Readiness for innovation, employability and Enterpreneurship program on Emerging technology (AI, Applied Data Science, Data Analytics, IOT, Cloud App Development issued by IBM career Education Program on 28th June 2023. Faculty Development Program on “Online Faculty Development Program on industry 4.0” organized by Karmaveer Adv. Baburao Ganpatrao Thakare College of Engineering, Nashik from 20th to 22nd May 2021, National level workshop on “Cloud Computing Technologies” organized by Annai Vailankanni College of Engineering from 9th to 11th June 2021, and webinar on “Robotics and Drone Application” organized by Christ College of Engineering Technology on 11th June 2021. Attended the Two week online International Faculty Development Program on “Communication Skills : Theory and Practicles” organized by Integral University, Lucknow from 14th to 25th June 2021,. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme On “Data science and bigdata analytics” conducted by AICTE sponsored national level two week faculty development programme at Bannari amman institute of technology, Sathyamangalam, on 6th to19th November 2017. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on ’’IT 6006 – Data Analytics’’ Organized by the Department of Information Technology at E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College on 06th to 12th June 2016. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on ’’Data Mining and Grid Computing Lab’’ Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at A.V.C. College of Engineering on 24th to 25th May 2016. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme On “Mobile App development” conducted by ICT academy of tamilnadu at Erode sengunthar Engineering college, perundurai, on 15th to 19th December 2015. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme On “Grid and cloud computing “Organized by the department of computer science and Engineering at ” at MIT Campus, Chennai on 15th to 21st Jun 2015. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme On “Mobile and pervasive computing” Organized by the department of computer science and Engineering at at Anna University, panruti on 13th to 19th June 2014. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme On “Principle of compiler Design” Organized by the department of computer science and Engineering at at Anna University, Coimbatore on 12th to 18th December2013. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on ’’CS 2253 – Computer Organization and Architecture’’ Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology on 04th to 10th December 2013. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme On “Digital Signal Processing “Organized by the department of computer science and Engineering at MIT Campus, Chennai on 16th to 23rd Jun 2013. Participated in the one day Faculty Development Programme on ’’Ethical Hacking’’ Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute University on 20th December 2012. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme On “Artificial intelligence “Organized by the department of computer science and Engineering at University College of engineering, Tindivanam on 3rd to 9th Dec 12. |
Paper Published | 1. Published a Journal Paper under the title of “The High-Speed Big Data Processing Devices Using AHP- A Feasibility Study on the Research Infrastructure Projects” in CiiT International Journal in Software Engineering an Technology, Volume:8, No 9 (2016) , ISSN: 0974 – 9632. 2. Published a Journal Paper under the title of In cloud computing environment avoid DDoS attacks by an effective layers load balance defensive mechanism” in CiiT International Journal in Software Engineering and Technology, Volume:8, No 10 (2016) , ISSN: 0974 – 9578. 3. Published a Journal Paper under the title of “Classification of Features in Image Sequences” in Coimbatore Institute of Technology – Digital Image Processing, Vol 7, No 9 (2015). 4. Published a Journal Paper under the title of An Efficient Maximal web Access Patterns Mining” in CiiT International Journal in Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine learning, Volume:7, No 10 (2015) , ISSN: 0974 –9624, December Issue 2015. 5. Published a Journal Paper under the title of ““New database security and issue and defense” in International Journal Engineering and Research Application(IJERA), Volume: 3 Issue:7 | Feb 2013. 6. Published a Journal Paper under the title of ““Improving Network Life Time Using High Energy First Clustering” in International Journal of Engineering Research Technology (IJERT 2012). |
Projects so far guided | 32 Mini Projects and 30 Main Projects. |
Email | Gobiruban.net@gmail.com |