INTRODUCTION The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 1994-1995. We prepare the students to exhibit competency in applying comprehensive knowledge pertaining to Computer Science and Engineering to the issues of economic, environmental and social relevance. The department is equipped with excellent computing facilities and has highly qualified faculty, specialized in various areas. The facilities include smart classrooms, fully equipped laboratories, department library, computer facilities, classy internet facilities (10 MBps), Wi-Fi facility and seminar hall etc.
LABORATORY FACILITIES The department maintains a wide variety of state-of-the-art computing laboratory facilities for students, to have an efficient and knowledgeable programming experience by conducting experiments. The computer lab has several platforms with different software applications such as, standard applications, internet applications, programming applications like OOPS laboratory, OS laboratory, RDBMS laboratory, Oracle Laboratory, Internet Laboratory and also art design for creative minds.
FACULTY DETAILS Faculty members play a vital role in the life of the institution as assistant professors, associate professors, professors, mentors, scholars and participants in academic governance. Each faculty keep abreast of their academic discipline through continuing education, research, and/or participation in the activities, to strive for improving the effectiveness of their teaching, to take a sympathetic interest in the progress and development of each of their students and to keep accurate records of academic standing of each student in their classes. They focus on developing their skills associated with success in relating to students and have the positive effect on students and colleagues, who are part of this academic community. Also contribute to academic development by publishing books and papers in international and national journals. We are swollen with pride to say our faculty is acting as Paper Valuation Board Chairman with more than 15 years experience in our zone.
SOFT SKILL Our students are so focused on developing expertise in their field that they realize how important it is to actively work on skills like communication, time management or conflict resolution. These skills are critical in workplace and being able to demonstrate them, can really help a student stand out in today’s competitive job market. This is being done by well expert soft skills trainers in our institution with the help of our department faculties. Learning of these soft skills has led to successful career and personal development as well as placement.
ADD-ON COURSES The modern scenario of globalization of education has been striving to make the current education system more careers oriented. In an endeavor to open up a variety of job opportunities, the Institution offers a wide range of career-oriented programs in various disciplines through an innovative and flexible system of certificate. Such add-on courses help to upgrade the quality of students and equip them with an in-depth knowledge of their core discipline which gives them an edge in today’s competitive placement activities. Some of the indicative courses for Computer Science and Engineering, being awarded in the programming languages are Java, ASP.NET and PHP by Eappz Software, Chennai, SureSoft- Puducherry and ICTACT-Chennai.
DEPARTMENT LIBRARY Our department library has a rich collection of text books, reference books, student’s project records, books related to soft kills, aptitude and reasoning books, general studies and the collection is ever increasing. The books are classified according to the field of specialization.
COUNSELING We offer counseling to help students, work through their difficulty, understand them better and find ways of managing their situation. This can be monitoring by our department staff members by maintaining track records. Their university results is also updated and counseling is being done based on their results. Staffs members who are known for their scrupulous counseling are awarded with cash prize during annual day celebration.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MoU) WITH INDUSTRIES Our department has signed MoUs with many industries to define a relationship between companies in helping the students with various ways like in-plant training, seminar, workshop and placement regarded activities. The companies are Spicasoft Infotech Pvt. Ltd.,Coimbatore, Neo Insight Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, EyeOpen Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, TechForum Research & Development, Puducherry. Through this initiative they assign projects to the final year students, guide and monitor the progress made by the students incessantly.
IN- PLANT TRAINING Our institution is dedicated in preparing students for the rising and varying business scenario. Students are provided with experience that will not only equip them with the knowledge, technical skills and abilities for their future career, but also a practical professional experience through in-plant training for gaining industry related experience. The students are encouraged to attend in-plant training in various reputed organizations for a period of about 3 to 7 days during their semester vacation. Our students are undergoing in-plant training in Lenovo (India) Pvt. Ltd., Puducherry, Hmax Technologies, Puducherry, Accel Academy, Puducherry, JPInfotech, Puducherry, etc. These training programmes bridge the gap between industry and institution.
ANNUAL DAY In addition to the academic programs, the students are encouraged to join in extra-curricular activities like sports and cultural programs. It promotes unity and understanding among students. It has a significant impact on teaching responsibility, discipline and team work. Every year, the institution celebrates annual day during spring season. The students who outshine in academics and sports are awarded with cash prizes and momentos. Staffs members are also awarded with ‘Gold Rings’ for producing the top results in the class.
PROJECT CONTESTS “Technology makes it possible for people to gain control over everything, except over technology”, said John Tudor. Nevertheless this has proved to be true always over the past and will be in the future. Technology is so much fun, but the probability of drowning in it is high. Our institution was not an exception. It is hoped that the students would benefit immensely viz. understand and learn the importance of teamwork, team spirit and have fun doing projects. The purpose of this contest is to encourage undergraduate students to present their undergraduate research experiences and to improve their communication skills. Their project must be the work of an undergraduate and completed during the undergraduate education of the student. The institution also conducts a Mini Project Contest for all the students to motivate their innovation and creation. All the projects models are exhibited in the campus for a week. Best innovations are honored with cash prize to appreciate the students.
INDUSTRIAL VISIT The faculty members are known for their out-of-the-box teaching and pedagogy methods. One such programme, the Industrial Visit (IV) focuses on preparing the participants to learn about the day-to-day workings of a particular industry and understand its operational issues. The visit also helps keep students abreast with the current management practices followed by such organizations and acquire traits that the industry demands of them. It gives them exposure to current work practices as opposed to possibly theoretical knowledge being taught at college. The following are the quite few companies, visited for Industrial Visits.
ChipSoft Pvt. Ltd., Ernakulam, UST Global Solution Info Park, Cochin, IGATech Industrial Electronics, Cochin, Conrad Software Solution, Coimbatore, Mazenet Solution, Coimbatore, Poras Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore, Ampere Vehicles Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore, Campus Infotech, Coimbatore, Pantech Solution, Madurai, Spiro Software Solution, Coimbatore, BlueChip Solution, Coimbatore and KGSL InfoTech, Coimbatore, etc.,PLACEMENT The range of careers open to the graduates is an ever widening one, with employers looking for capable and well motivated graduates who can make an effective contribution to their organization. The training and placement cell in our institution helps all of our students by providing a wide range of opportunities. Our students are placed in many leading companies like Cognizant Technology Solutions, WIPRO, Infosys, L&T Infotech, Reliance Communication, Chennai, Eureka Forbes, Coimbatore, Rifluxys software, Chennai, Kaivalaya Tech Service, Puducherry, Itian Info Lab Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, Softsquare Solutions, Chennai, Aveon Infotech, Coimbatore, Itware, Puducherry, Melio Systems, Chennai, etc.
ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES Our department extracts the best out of every student, from the admirable efforts of them under the guidance of the faculty and staff association, for developing their technical skills, updating knowledge on the state of the art subjects and enhancing personality by conducting technical programmes and other co-curricular activities. The activities undertaken by our departments are conducting seminars, workshops, special lectures by eminent speakers, paper presentations, quiz, debates, intra department contests and imparting practical skills, etc.
Vision Exploring innovative approaches to enhance and expand learning opportunities through the integration of technology. Building a strong research and teaching environment that responds to the real-time challenges.
Mission Our mission is to provide an excellent education in all computer related fields. Our main task is to prepare students for careers in industry or to pursue advanced graduate studies. Upon graduation, our students will be able to perform research in all branches of the computing field. Also a part of our mission is to provide a teaching environment that emphasizes depth, originality and critical thinking.
Programme Educational Objectives & Programme Outcomes
Programme Educational Objective [Major]
Computer science graduates will have sufficient breadth of understanding to enable continued professional development and lifelong learning throughout their careers and will be sufficiently prepared to be innovative and ethical leaders in a global society.Programme Educational Objectives [PEOs]
The educational objectives of UG program in Computer Science Engineering are:
To provide sound foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary to analyze, formulate and solve engineering problems.
To provide thorough knowledge in Computer Science & Engineering subjects including theoretical and practical training for preparing physical models pertaining to Object Oriented Programming, Programming Paradigms, Computer Networks, Database Management System, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Web Technology, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Principles of Compiler Design, System Software, Cryptography and Network Security, Mobile Pervasive Computing etc.
To provide relevant engineering experience in designing and conducting experiments as well as analyzing the significance of the experimental data.
To provide training in soft skills via English language, communication, verbal, logical, analytical, comprehension, team building, inter personal relationship, group discussion etc for placement.
To inculcate the habit of lifelong learning for career development through successful completion of advanced degrees, professional development courses, industrial training etc.
To impart technical knowledge, ethical values for professional development of the student to solve complex problems and to work in multi disciplinary ambience, whose solutions lead to significant societal benefits.Programme Outcomes (POs)
The outcomes of departments are that the students after successful completion of the course will acquire:
• An ability to apply knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering subjects.
• An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
• An ability to design and conduct experiments to interpret data and analyze the results.
• An ability to apply knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering subjects.
• An ability to design system components or processes to satisfy the needs of the society within realistic constraints such as economical, social, political, ethical, health, safety and manufacturing.
• An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
• An ability to understand professional and ethical responsibilities.
• An ability to communicate effectively.
• An ability to gain knowledge to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, environmental and societal context.
• An ability to understand the need and engage in life-long learning process.
• To gain knowledge on contemporary issues.
• An ability to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.S.NO Name Position 1 Mr.K. Ramesh, M.E., (Ph.D.), Head of the Department (i/c) 2 Dr. J.K. Jothi Kalpana, M.Tech., Ph.D., Professor 3 Prof. A. Niranjana Devi, M.Tech., Professor 4 Mrs. N. Selvarani, M.E., Assistant Professor 5 Mr. S. Bharathiraja, M.E., Assistant Professor 6 Mrs. G. Sumalatha, M.E., (Ph.D.), Assistant Professor 7 Mr. N. Gobinathan, M.E.,(Ph.D.), Assistant Professor 8 Mr. K. Veeramanikandan, M.E., M.B.A.,(Ph.D.), Assistant Professor 9 Mrs. R. Abinaya, M.E., Assistant Professor 10 Mr. M. Santhanam, M.E.,M.B.A., Assistant Professor 11 Mrs. S. Ishwarya, M.E., Assistant Professor 12 Mr.P. Dinesh Babu,M.E., Assistant Professor 13 Mrs.C.Leena, M.Tech Assistant Professor NEWSLETTER